About Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy

PEMF stands for Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields. Put simply PEMF therapy is a form of magnetic therapy using Electromagnetic fields generated by copper coils. It targets the body at a cellular level, helping with a variety of disorders, diseases, conditions and injuries, through a wide range of applications.

There are already many clinical trials using PEMF therapy and although it has many applications it is most widely used for pain management, improving sleep and relaxation.

Pulsed Electromagnetic Field  used by NASA

Thousands of studies including those by NASA have proven the benefits of PEMF therapy, it is widely used to improve health and enhance performance of people and animals around the world.

PEMF is perfectly safe and widely used. It may sound like a new technology but it has been used safely and effectively throughout Europe for more than 50 years.It is an exciting time for PEMF therapy as in recent years the therapy has moved out of clinical settings and is now safe for home use.

How do PEMFs work?

By introducing a complementary electromagnetic field into the body through a full body mat or handheld device you can re-establish healthy electromagnetic exchanges.

This is why PEMFs (Pulsed ElectroMagnetic Fields)
are so valuable, they stimulate all levels of the body. They are applied externally, and then fully penetrate the body, affecting individual cells and therefore tissues, organs, and complete body systems.

How are PEMFs different to EMFs?

EMF (electromagnetic fields) from phones, power lines and wireless devices are often considered to have a negative effect on your health and when researching PEMF therapy it’s important to know there is a difference between PEMFs and EMFs (often named electrosmog or dirty electricity)

A big difference between PEMFs and EMFs is that PEMF therapy uses frequencies and magnetic fields at therapeutic levels.