Pulsed Electromagnetic Field (PEMF) therapy foranti-ageing or longevity is a secret of many ageingstars and sports personalities today. The anti-agingaffects of PEMFs (Pulsed electromagnetic fields) occur as they stimulate the body on a cellular level and aging is a cellular event.


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Everyone wants to know the secret of how to age gracefully, or at least slow the process down. Ageing is a normal process of life.

However, it is important to take care of yourself and do what you can to be as healthy as you age.

Destructive habits like overeating, smoking, and drinking alcohol are still important to work on as you age.

What you may not realize is that your cell is already ageing, and bad habits like these can accelerate the ageing process.

Research has shown that PEMF therapy can slow down the ageing process at the cellular level. Here is what we know through research about how it works.

A weakness in brain cells was discovered that sheds light on the ageing process. There is now a ton of research dedicated to the function of the brain as well as research on brain cancer. During this time, researchers discovered that proteins once again are critical to health. This research gives us a clue as to what causes the brain to deteriorate as we age. As the proteins deteriorate toxins are absorbed into the nucleus. Whatever gets to the nucleus gets into the body. When this cellular ageing or “senescence” occurs, it can initiate the process of dementia. This, in turn, can lead to Alzheimer’s Disease, Parkinson’s Disease, and other diseases associated with ageing adults.

Stem cell theory may play a role. Based upon what researchers have discovered about stem cells, this could also be a clear link to ageing. When stem cells fail to replenish tissues with the appropriate nutrients organs can fail to function. This is also another sign of ageing. When kidneys fail or the liver fails, we tend to say things like, “Well, he/she is getting older so it’s only a matter of time.” Ageing cells impact the functionality of organs.

How PEMF therapy impacts ageing is quite clear in terms of what we know about what PEMFs do for the body. The following have been proven through research about PEMF therapy.


PEMFs reduce oxidative stress. This oxidative stress that occurs in the body as cells age can be reduced with the use of PEMF therapy. The gentle pulsed electromagnetic fields that you experience with this therapy increase oxygenation in the tissues and cells. This reduces oxidative stress that occurs from outside pollution, overuse of medications and bad habits like smoking and drinking alcohol.

PEMFs aid in the creation of new healthy cells. Damage to cells causes disease, but PEMF therapy has been shown to repair damaged cells as well as create new, healthy cells. This means that there is an increased task force in the body, ready to come to the aid of the tissues and organs when an imbalance has occurred.

PEMFs bring natural EMFs into balance. When diseases are present there is an imbalance in the body. Each tissue and organ has its own signature electromagnetic field. When those fields are poorly emitted, this is when damage to the cells creeps in. PEMFs trigger the bioelectromagnetic field and bring it up to speed to correct that imbalance. Health will return to the tissues and cells, and over time symptoms of a disease will be reduced or diminish altogether. The earlier one begins to use PEMF therapy the sooner results may be noted.

Many health professionals are now seeing the value in PEMF therapy and have begun to incorporate it into their practice.